Good Morning! Welcome to A Light in the Night once again. There are many rules in the Bible, many gifts of the spirit. There is the gift of prophecy, discernment, tongues, faith, and many, many more. But the Bible tells us that the greatest gift is the gift of Love. It says, "For God so Loved...".
God is Love. He loves the little sparrow enough to know when one falls. He loves the outcast, those in prison, and he admonishes us to pray and put ourselves in the place of the prisoner so we can identify with him. Intercessory prayer. To put yourself in place of, or with, the afflicted and the hopeless, and thus develop the compassion we need when we pray for others.
When we reach out in intercessory prayer, we are using the gift of Love. To love others is to glorify God. I am not speaking of romantic love. But the pure love of God, the Holy Love of God. He so loved us all that He sent Jesus, His perfect Lamb, to be His sacrifice for us because our own righteousness can never get us to Heaven. Faith in Him insures us we have inherited not only the Lamb of God as our priest, but Eternal Life through Him. It is as easy as inviting Him into your life. He wants to come in, to comfort, to give us joy, and to laugh with us and sing with us and rejoice with us. He tarries, yes, because He wants all to come. He wants all of us at the Wedding Feast with God Almighty.
I can quote scripture all day, so can the enemy. But if I live my faith, rather than talk about it, I will be an example for others to follow. If you love sincerely and passionately, you can change circumstances for those around you by your love. Love is patient, kind, is not puffed up, does not behave itself unseemly, endureth all things, believeth all things, and the love of God can heal. Faith without works is dead. But if you add the secret ingredient, Love, then your faith can move mountains!
Faith as small as a tiny mustard seed can literally move mountains...mountains of sin...mountains of fear...mountains of greed and lust and the pride of life. "Greater love hath no man than that he would lay down his life for his friends." He did it out of Love.
If you are in need today, in need of a friend, in need of someone to really care what your life is like, then all you have to do is open that door of your heart, invite Him in, and then Believe! He will come in and He will literally change your life. He's the only one who can. It's between you and God. You don't need to confess to anyone but Jesus, because Jesus is the only one who can forgive you and give you the love you so need. It's free. You don't have to put money in a tray for Jesus. He said "...render unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's and unto God what is God's." Your soul is Gods gift to you. One day, you will die, and your soul will return to God who gave it. It's hard to live life without Him. He can give you joy in your soul. Unending joy, love, courage, faith, the power to live a good and holy life, acceptable to God, all because of Him. He Loves you. Come today, and sit in the pastures with Jesus and tell Him your hearts desire. He longs to love you. Let today be the first day of a life lived with Jesus.
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