Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Christian View of The TAO & Life

I am a beloved child of God.  So are You.  His attributes are ours.  God dwells in all life forms.  All life is sacred.  Everyone is a manifestation of God.  The Tao and the everlasting presence of God are one in the same.  Gravity that holds us in place is but a manifestation of, as it were, the mighty power of Almighty god.

The beginning of the Universe was but a manifestation of a thought in the mind of God.  He spoke, or held the idea of the creation of life, and the beginning of the cosmos was born.  The matter of life is a direct thought of God.  Since God is, and always shall be, the matter of life will always be.  It only changes it's chemical makeup.  Trees live long lives.  The earth is warm in places, frozen and cold in others.  All is a part of Eternal Life.

We grow older, but we are the same person.  Only our surface changes.  When we die, we change this existence for another, and in this sense, we are eternal.

God is existence.  God always was, always is and forever shall be.  Petty problems will always exist.  They are manifestations of our own thoughts.  When we think things through before we do them, we create less problems and less turmoil."  As a man thinketh, so is he."

If we think peaceful thoughts, we are peaceful people.  When we apply ourselves and work on our own selves, and teach the same to our youngsters, we build peaceful and diligent generations to follow after us.

Calmness can be taught by example.  As we are quiet and at peace within, we are peaceful on the surface and are a calming and restful person who is connected to the inner mindfulness of God.  "God is not the author of chaos and confusion, but of peace, joy and a sound mind."

God is already in us.  "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you!"  A manifestation of the Tao, or God, as present in all life.  A perfect manifestation of the cosmos in ever-varied form.

Embrace your life and find peace within and without.  As God is, so are we.  Only the surface changes and melds into a different life form.  We are eternal, as God is eternal.  We, in all essence, are God personified.  Made in His image, and embued with a living part of God,
The Soul. 

You are one with God. 

Monday, May 28, 2012

A Case of Mistaken Purpose

I made a mistake that I am going to attempt to correct and hopefully acquire readers that will find the new content refreshing.  I am human, just like you are, and although I made some mistakes on my blog, the main purpose was to bring comfort and assurance in my own way.  I did not realize that I was coming across as pushy or begging others to abandon their own beliefs and take up my chosen belief system.  I am open to many types of religions, and have found the Tao to be something very worthy of following and learning as much as I can about it.  I will not attempt here to convince anyone, any longer, to believe as I do.  I embrace all people, all races, and all belief's.  There has to be more than one way to follow a path to more enlightenment, and as the TAO says, there is more than one path up the mountain.  It is our goal to ascend the mountains in life and to reach the top where we will be elightened and can look at creation with a new point of view.

I am not going to talk you to death, but I do want to get this posted because I realized today how I was coming across and I want to make a different approach to one of just allowing all people to follow their own hearts and make this site one of friendly conversation without dogmatic proselytizing on my part.  That's not how I meant to to come across and I am in the process of changing that.

I hope some of you who read maybe one time and found it distasteful, to give me another chance and come back and read and find comfort and enlightement or just friendly conversation about many things.  Life is so varied.  It can't be that One God created all of us differently and did not at the same time make it possible for may to follow the path they have been raised to follow and ascend to the top of their own mountains in life.  I will close this for now and better prepare myself in the future to be more light hearted and more helpful to those who may check in here for a bit of encouragement.

I hope to provide only that, nothing more or less.  Enlightenment comes to people in it's own way.  I want to share with you all I have discovered in the 65 years I have been here on planet earth, and I will do my best to be helpful in future.  So!  Here I am, again, with fresh perspectives on life and the things that will be helpful to many.  I hope you check in and see if you like the new approach to life and living it to the best for our own purposes and fulfillment!

Friday, May 18, 2012

A Humbling Experience

It's been a few weeks now, since I was led to a site that has blessed me so much, and that has shown me my own shortcomings.  It is called GODVINE.  A lot of people are on that site asking for prayer and sharing their stories with those who are on that site.  I feel I was led to that site for a reason and I'll try to describe my feelings both before and since I joined.

There was a person on this site that has a small child.  This little boy was born with several birth defects, one of which was that his eyes didn't form and he has no vision.  He had a cleft lip and I believe he had to have some sort of surgery when he was just a few days old.  People use to stare at him when his Mom took him out.  Now he plays and coos like any normal little baby does and when they go out, if people stare at him he seems to know and starts giggling.  They giggle back and talk to the Mom about "what's wrong with your baby?"  They have become examples of humility to me.  I feel like I was lacking this humility in my own life.  Perhaps I came across as judgemental without realizing it.  I apologize to anyone that felt that way too.

I am not here to pass judgement on anyone.  I am a sevant.  I am here to serve and I was lacking the humility I needed to accurately represent what Jesus is to me.  I hope to fix this part of my daily life and be the humble servant GOD would have me be. 

There are so many in need.  So many people hurting.  We can all find something in our lives to rejoice about.  I for one have a wonderful husband and a wonderful family.  I have had the love I needed that allowed me to function in society for years and hold down good jobs and help support our family.  I ran into trouble once, and created a lot of anxiety for myself and my family.  I was brow-beaten and mocked and made fun of because of my disability and people didn't believe I even had a disability to begin with.  I am SCHIZOPHRENIC.  There, it's out for the world to read.  I am not perfect in any way, and I have had this disease apparently since birth.  Sometimes I can get along on less medication, but I always end up going back to the med's because that keeps my body in line with my emotions and thoughts.  It is not a fun disease.  It's a very serious, very debilitating disease, and it comes out of nowhere and makes your life a living hell.  It's deceptive.  It can form out of nowhere seemingly, but it can destroy your peace of mind so quickly. 

After reading the many stories on GODVINE and having been hospitalized once with this disease, and saw the many who are affected by it and other mental disorders, I realize how fortunate I am to have the good Doctor's I do, and to have the medications that are effective for me.  There are many whom the medications don't help.  I have known remission for about a month and only had to take a small amount of medication.  But then it begins to make itself known again and I have to go back to taking the med's. It may not show on the outside, but it is there none-the-less and it eventually takes over if you don't take the medication.   On top of that, I had a heart attack at 43.  I had 7 blockages in my heart, and one was 70% closed off.  They told me part of my heart was dead.  It was very scary.  I was in pain for 3 days before they realized it was a heart attack.  I was given muscle relaxers in error, because the pain presented in my back between my shoulders.  No one would have suspected that it was my heart.  Then 3 days later I was still in a lot of pain and my son was rubbing my back trying to help and finally he called 911 and the ambulance came.  They didn't know what it was either, but they took me to the hospital anyway.  After I was admitted, they did an EKG and immediately began treating my pain with morphine and something that broke up the blood clot in my heart.

I was in intensive care for 8 days and in DOU (Direct Observation Unit) for 4 more.  They wanted to do an angiogram and I was afraid.  I watched the procedure on the hospital television and once I saw what they would do, I wasn't afraid of it as much and agreed to do it.  They took me to SCRIPPS Hospital in La Jolla and did the angiogram.  That's where they found the blockages.  They told me that if the one that was 70% occluded became even moreso, they would have to do open heart surgery.  With the proper medication, doctors, and diet changes and all the rest of the things you have to do, I now have no blockages and my new cardiologist said that no part of my heart is dead.  I believe that GOD works through his children to help us help one another.  I am so fortunate to have never had another heart attack, and am now on a medication that helps to prevent me ever having another one.  I come from a family that died very young from heart disease and I am able to say I have lived 22 more years without incident.  GOD  has been good to me and that's a story I haven't spoken about on here yet. 

GOD  is good.  He is a healer, provider, loving father and a guiding light to all those who call on Him.  He never promised any of us a rose garden.  I have had to work hard to keep my sanity, hard to have a healthier heart than I had when I was diagnosed with heart disease, and I have beel blessed with an additional 22  years of life.  I don't know when the end will come.  I just want to have good memories with those I love to look back on should I be the first to go.  We haven't experienced this type of loss in our own family yet.  It will be devastating when we do because we are all so close.  But in the meantime, I will go out with those I love and enjoy this beautiful earth that GOD so generously created for us all to enjoy, and I will make memories with those who love me to look back on fondly.  I am blessed with a wonderful husband, and 3 wonderful children, and 7 grandchildren.  I have a lot to do and to contribute to these people.  They are my life. 

So you see, I have a story too behind the things I have posted so far.  I am so blessed and it has been shown to me that there are so many so much worse off than I am.  I just wanted to serve GOD and help others to find this loving presence in their lives too. He is there for everyone.  Not just a few.  If other's can suffer with dignity, so can I.  I am not suffering though, because I am surrounded by loving people, and I have learned a lot about a disease that affects so many.  There are so many I can help.  I have a lot of insight into this disease, and readily recognize it without having to go over the edge of reality to have it brought home to me yet again, that it is still here and will be until I die and go home to GOD.  But at least I know it when I see it and can avoid the consequences of not taking the medications prescribed to me. 

So, if I have come across as anything but helpful, I am here to say I am sorry.  I want to be humble like our Lord Jesus and be loving and kind and generous.  He has said in His word, that the servant is not greater than his master.  If they ridiculed Him, they will ridicule me as well.  If they hated Him, they will hate me as well.  He is the masterbuilder.  He is the one that works the miracles.  I am a vessel for His use.  I have no power of my own, only what I draw on from GOD.
You can do it too.  You can have a meaningful life, and be of service to many.  We are all here to help one another.  "Love Ye One Another, even as I Have Loved You!".  I hope only to express love here, and guidance.  Hence what the sight is called:  "A Light In the Night".  I am only here to shine the light on God, not me.  He is all, and in all.  You are no exception.  Know you are loved and that He is here for all of us.  He is truly pure Love.  I wish you only the best.  I hope you draw something good from these posts.  That's what I do them for.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Jesus Mother, A Very Special Woman

Jesus had a very special Mom.  Not only was she chosen by God to carry His Holy Son in her body, she had the great responsibility to help Joseph raise Him to be strong and kind to everyone.  I often wonder what her life was like, knowing He was special.  She watched Him grow up and when He stayed at the temple and was saying such profound things to the older men there, she must have wondered in her private heart, what kind of Son is this?  He knows things I never taught Him and He is just a boy.  She had to wonder what His life would be like as an adult.  She must have loved Him very much.  Her first child.  Her Son, but not her son.  She knew He was special and belonged to God and that someday He would do great things.  But little did she know.

Then, as He grew, and as He began to teach the people, and to say that He was the Son of the Living God, his brother's were astonished and said among themselves, "He is beside Himself.  Let us go and get Him and bring Him hone."  But Jesus was not "beside Himself".  He knew with all assurance that He was God's Son and shared the attributes of the living God, but when the people called Him Good Teacher, He told them not to call Him "good", for only One was good and that was God.

Then when John Baptized Him, suddenly John knew who He was and was shaken because the Son of God should be baptizing him, not he baptizing Jesus.  But Jesus told John, "suffer it to be so now.."   He had to fulfill His earthly purpose and to teach the masses that being Baptized into the body was a necessary act that all should follow who believe in their hearts that Jesus is the Son of God, and that they had received forgiveness of sins and were baptized as He was.  The Holy Spirit rested upon Jesus at His baptizm and all who saw the dove must have pondered it all in their hearts.

He taught the masses, they followed Him everywhere.  He fed them, He healed them, He taught them, and Loved them.  He had compassion on them and He was a wonderful son and a very capable carpenter.  But this carpenter was special.  He came to build His church, and His church was mankind.  Not a temple made by human hands, but a body of people that would be known in future days as Christians.  I have been a Christian since I was 12.  I was a child, but I knew He would be my friend and I really needed a friend.  He has never left me, just like He said.  But His Mother was special.  He loved her tremendously.  He provided a means for her salvation with the crucifying of His own body.  Of course, it was for the whole of humanity that He was to be crucified.

When the soldiers came to Gethsemane to retrieve Him, His mother was probably sleeping.  He was taken to be tried for his acts of kindness.  He would be spat upon, called THE KING OF THE JEWS in mocking tones.  His robes would be torn to shreds except that one soldier said "it has no seems.  It is the most beautiful robe I've ever seen.  Let us cast lots for it."  So they did.  While the King of Glory was being whipped and prepared for crucifixition, his mother got word of what was happening and she and her companions went to the site of the cross being errected, with her precious son attached to it by nails in his hands and feet.  The grief in her heart must have been almost too much to bear.  He had always been such a good Son.  He had taught, fed, and bathed the feet of his disciples, and now here He was alone, except for the women.  Where were all his followers now? 

As Jesus was dying a slow painful death, his mother, striken with grief, stood transfixed at the foot of the cross and looked upon her son's face.  Blood ran down his face from the thorns in his brow.  He was beaten and bruised amd he was thirsty.  But standing by his Mother, was one of his disciples whom He loved dearly.  He looked upon his Mother's grief-striken face and said to her, "Woman, behold thy son."  And to his disciple, He said "behold thy Mother".  He made provision for her even in His pain.  In the darkness of the moment, the earth shook and the sky grew black.  One of the soldiers said, "Truly this man was the Son of God."  The earth shook with a violent quake and Jesus said "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?"  His Mother was there.  Where was God?  And then, after He had asked God to "forgive them...for they know not what they do!", He said "it is finished", and He gave up His Spirit to God, and He died.  I don't think I could have stood it.  I could not watch my own son die and so cruelly and mercilessly. 

The Bible says that Mary was told "A sword shall peirce thine own soul also, that the hearts of many may be revealed."  What could it all mean?  Who would peirce His Mother's soul?  The death of her first born son?  I felt this would be a good post for Mother's Day because it is so heart breaking, that Jesus would make provision for His own Holy Mother, even as He was dying.  He gave His life for her, and the gift of Salvation was born.  What a woman she must have been, to have had the privilege and the duty, to raise the Son of the Living God and what Love Jesus had for her.  What a beautiful story of Love and Devotion for a beautiful Sunday, yet another Mother's Day.  The gifts are special, but it's the love behind them that make Mother's Day special.  All Mother's deserve a round of applause for all they do for their children.  And let us not forget Mary's example of the Love that a Mother has for her Son.  Let us love as she did, and ponder all these things in our hearts. 


Thank you Jesus, for all Mother's everywhere.  I Love You.
Bonnie Gay

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

He's Alive! Praise God, He's Alive!

Do you think you are alone in your trials?  Do you face day after weary day, worn out by the rat race and the so-called "reality" that "society has set up"?  I was told this once.  I was told in all sincerity by someone who felt they knew my path, that the true reality that I wouldn't face, is the 9:00 to 5:00 reality of the work force here in the U.S.  I decided at that moment, that I had already received all the help I could possibly expect from this person, and I left and never went back!  You see, MY reality is God.  With God, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!  The only thing we ever have to do is put our faith and trust in GOD.  Not man!  JESUS is ALIVE!  You are HIS CHILD!  There is no problem, big or small, that He can't fix!  He created us!  He alone can heal us of all our sins and weaknesses and illnesses.  There is nothing we can't overcome.  Absolutely nothing!

The economy is in the tank.  There are people who have lost it all.  No home, no job, no place to sleep, no food.....these are all real problems.  But if we as a society turn our faces to God and ask His powerful help in every situation, He will show us the way to bring things back into perspective.  Perhaps this has happened for a reason.  Maybe He is trying desperately to get our attention and turn this country around.  Maybe He wants us to "Love Ye One Another!"  Perhaps he is looking for the Samaritans in this world.  You know, the one who stopped to help the victim laying beside the road that the Doctor passed by on the other side of the road!  Perhaps JESUS was that Samaritan.  Perhaps you need the helping hand of Jesus today.  Rest assured, HE IS ALIVE!  And He want's desperately to help you know this in a personal way.

He is called a personal savior for a reason.  When you go to church, and sing, and pray, that's all well and good.  But out in the street is where it counts.  What you pray in church is good.  But what you do outside the church, everyday of your life,  that's the proof of the pudding.  You have to live your faith.  As my Grandfather always said, "Talk is cheap!  It takes money to buy whiskey!"  Not that I want you to go out and buy some whiskey!  I want you, if you are a Christian, to start putting hands and feet on your prayers.  The Bible says, that "faith without works is dead!"  We can't run to church on Sunday and pray up a storm, and then on Monday when we go to work, forget all about Jesus and plunge into the rat-race once more.  He is alive and real today, and He perhaps want's you to help someone today.  Maybe He is waiting for you to be that Samaritan....  Maybe He is the man laying by the side of the road, beaten and robbed.... Maybe this is the reality so many of us are blind to.  We live in a material world.  But we don't have to be materialistic.  We can be spiritual and find peace and spread the word that Peace Can Be Found TODAY!

Are you walking your own path with God?  Has your heart cried out in all the misery around us, for someone, anyone to make a difference?  Maybe He is wating on YOU to make a difference....

Today, if you have Peace of Mind, share it with someone who doesn't.  Allow God to work through you and reach out to someone with compassion.  We are all here together for a reason, and not one of us is getting out alive!   It's what we do while we are here that matters.  It's not reality, 9:00 - 5:00, but the hours after your job when you go home and face all the things that need doing, and the children who need to be fed and bathed and helped with their schoolwork.  Maybe that's your reality.  Maybe you are so tired and you don't think you can go on.  Maybe you are losing your home, your job, you may be ill, alone, scared, sick at heart....  Our Redeemer Liveth...and He Liveth in YOU.  Make a statement for HIM today.  Use the talents He gave you.  Do something to help one person.  Give from your heart, and God will reward you 7 fold.  Don't brag about what you are doing, don't tell anyone.  "when you do your alms, don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, and God who seeth in secret, will reward you openly!"  Don't tell a soul.  Only God needs to know, and He is watching all of us. 

The clock is ticking.....the minutes are passing by.  What are YOU doing with your time?  The hour is late...  one day the King will come.  I for one am going with Him.  To dwell forever in Paradise with the King of Glory.  Let's make a

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Because He Lives

I have posted before about my life and the problems I have overcome.  I have just begun to share what God has done in my life and I am happy and at peace after years of being ill and not able to deal well with my past and the problems I have had.  I have blamed others for my disease, my parents, especially, and my brother and the people I worked for and with, and so on and so on.  I have discovered that as long as I hold on to my anger, I will be denied the peace I so much need.  It doesn't matter about the past.  It's over and done.  I have a wonderful husband who has been so very patient with me, I have 3 wonderful children who are intelligent and healthy and they are devoted to me.  I have 7 wonderful grandchildren, and they too love their Grandma.  I have so many gifts from God to share with and love and teach, how can I stay angry over a disease that affects millions of people?  I am fortunate beyond measure, to be well today and out from under the subduing effects of medication.  It kept me sane for years, and it helped me to find great insight.  That's my destiny.  To have overcome this disease with the love of family and God and people I have met along the way.  I am so blessed and so lucky to have met the man I am married to.  He is not a Christian, he is a Taoist, and the gifts he has from the Tao has helped me to find it myself.  It is the power of the living universe and can be tapped into to help others and to give us the sustenance we need.  We are all a part of it.  It is the life force and I call it God.  To me, it is the living power of almighty God to teach us, lead us, and give us gifts of great insight and mastery over the problems of life.  It is about being a part of nature, and finding the earth rich and giving and protecting.  The things that exist are our God-given heritage.  He created the earth and all the things we need to insure we are to have a long and healthy existence.  People today need this knowledge.  My husband is well-versed in the Tao and all it is and can perhaps explain it better than me.  I only know it is real and that I have found the living power of God and it is in everything.  Every human being is our brother and sister, mother and father.  We are all connected by the life force.  We are all one.  There is no need for wars and killing and murdering one another.  We are one people, one world.  We can have peace if we seek it.  If you think of God as a spirit, as the Bible teaches, it is easy to understand that He created everything for our benefit.  We have destroyed so much that He made for us.  We have killed innocent children and people and there have always been wars and most likely will always be.  But it doesn't have to be that way.  With knowledge of the Tao, we can change the world.  It is a gift.  It is the spirit of God.  It has always been, and always shall be.  I have eternal life because Jesus died that I might have it.  He died that I might have life abundantly, and you can have it too.  You don't have to do without the things you need.  There is enough food, enough money, enough goods, enough shelter for everyone.  It is the greedy hearts of mankind that have kept things in such a turmoil.  The hearts of men need a change.  Only God can do this.  Prayer and fasting, searching for truth, telling others about the freedom they can find for their lives and the creativity that exists in each and every one of us.  It is free.  It doesn't come to just a few people.  It is there for everyone.  God and you can connect like never before.  The Bible says that "God is a spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth."  God is the spirit of the Tao.  He is not far away in a place we can't see or approach.  He is right here!  In every living thing.  He is a part of all of nature.  We walk and move and live and have our being in God.  He is all around us and through us and it is available and a part of all of us.  You only need to look in your own soul and your own heart and find the compassion that was made into you before you were ever born.  God's spirit lights every man that is born into the world.  He is the light.  He is the sun, the moon, the ocean, the sand of the beaches, the clouds, the rain the snow.  He is all and in all.  Read about it.  Learn about it.  Look within and find God.  When you do, Life will open up to you and you will know you are loved.  God gave you this freedom.  Use it and set yourself free of your past, your upbringing, anything that was a detriment to you.  You can let it all go and embrace life today as you never have before.  He has given me these words to speak to you.  I allow Him to use me in any way He sees need of and He does.  He is speaking to you and reaching out to you to embrace your God-Given heritage.  It is your right.  Don't deny your right to have these things.  Embrace life in all its glory and wonder and know that you are supremely loved and treasured by God, more than you ever thought possible.