Saturday, July 7, 2012


Today I am going to post something from my Tao book.  I read it everyday along with my Bible.  I often see the same thing being said in 2 different ways.  There are more that agree, than disagree.  I hope you enjoy this little excursion into another realm.  It always pays to be open-minded towards life.  It has much to teach us, and I think you will find that this resonates with a truth that can't be denied or done away with.  In essence, it is teaching us to "do unto others, what you'd have other's do unto you!"

From "The Tao of Joy Every Day", by Derek Lin.   Day 189:

"Once we see the Tao as the oneness that includes all of us, we can also see that karma must be the energy exchanges in this metaphysical medium.  Just as there are actions and rections in the physical world, karmic energies must also go back and forth along the connections of the Tao.  Loving kindness toward others may come back as helpful assistance; hatred and abuse toward others will also come back as equivalent negative consequences.

This is why sages have always taught that the movement of the Tao is circular.  What goes around will always come around, regardless of its positive or negative characteristics.  This movement takes place in the timeless Tao, so it is not constrained by the passage of years or even lifetimes.  Sooner or later, all accounts will be balanced; karma has all of eternity to see to this.

Look at your every action in a new light; not as a single, isolated event, but as a stone cast into an invisible pool of metaphysical water.  Visualize a karmic ripple spreading outward from you, affecting more and more people as its circle expands.  You know this is the beginning of an exchange of karmic energy.  You also know that, before too long, you will see ripples being reflected back at you."

Very often we get upset with some negative happening in our lives.  We'd all like to have good luck all the time.  But rarely do we see that our own negativity brings with it a negative reaction.  We can't control others, but we can control ourselves.  We are in essence, shaping our own destiny.  "Do unto others" kind and thoughtful, and you will receive in like manner.  You are the Captain of your ship.  Steer it well and enjoy your destination's.  Every day you have the opportunity to change your fate.  You are in control.

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