"Ye ask and receive not, because ye ask amiss..." How often have you gone to God in prayer and asked for something you really wanted, and didn't receive it? His word says we receive not because we ask amiss. If we conclude out prayers with His good will in mind, and as He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, "Nevertheless, not my will but Thine be done...", He will answer. His time is not our time, His will is not our will, and "With Him, a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day". God doesn't work on our timetable. He lives in eternity. Forever is His standard fare.
I didn't realize until I began posting here, that I was holding onto a lot of anger and old hurts and feelings of being done wrong. Not by one person, but many. But when I realized it, and asked Jesus to forgive me and to help me forgive these people, He did. Yesterday was one of the best days of my life. I was able to focus on now. On my own things. I don't feel an overwhelming sense of love for the people I've forgiven, but I no longer actively hate any of them and I don't feel like I've been cheated out of life because of what was done to me by others. All my anguish is gone, and in it's place is a peacefulness I can't describe. It's something I treasure beyond belief. Peace is mine and forever I will be grateful to Him for his blessings and His faithfulness.
The weather is crisp today. The sun is out and the landscape is beautiful, but it's cold! I love San Diego, and I think it's one of the most beautiful places on earth. But I was thinking just the other day, if I hadn't flown back to San Diego in 1965, after I turned 18, I wouldn never have met my husband, there would be no children, no grandchildren and my life would have taken a different course. I couldn't imagine not having these wonderful people in my life. I have a wonderful husband, and 3 sweet and intelligent children, and we are the proud grandparents of 7 wonderful grandchildren. Our life is wonderful. To think I missed so much of it being mad is a shame, but I do believe that things are planed for us. We play a part in it though, because we have free will and a mind to make our decisions with. I could have chosen to move anywhere I wanted to, but there was just something about San Diego that made me want to come home. I didn't want to leave in the first place, but I was only 17 and as it turned out, my father was right in his judgement that "it's god's will". If I hadn't been forced to do something against my will, I might never have known how very real God is, for I found that being away from my friends and my boyfriend, and my school and all the things I loved, if I hadn't suffered, I might never have known the depth of God's love like I do today.
I am trying to witness for God in a way that will reach a lot of people. I haven't had much luck with that, and no one ever say's a word to me. But I will keep on writing and posting because it gives me joy and peace and it has already changed something that had a hold on the deepest aspects of my being. I have already found a treasure just by trying to help others. So, please don't look on this as a sermon. I want to be a friend to you out there, someone you can talk to. I know Jesus loves you and I am only trying to help you to find the peace and joy that I have in walking my path with Christ. He has always been with me, but I wasn't living up to my own potential. I feel I am now. I feel I am doing what He wants me to do and in that I am satisfied.
My thought today that I want to leave you with is this: You are always in God's care. Whether you know it, actively seek it, or deny it, God is love and He loves all of us. We are all in His care, daily, every minute, every second. Jesus taught us that "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you".
The only place to look for Jesus is in your own heart. Go within, to the depths of your being, and find Him who lived to die for us. Your whole life can be joyful and peaceful with Him. He wants to love you and give you the keys to the Kingdom. Is there something in your life you want to change? Is there some hidden secret that is weighing you down? Go within. Close your eyes and go within to your own spirit and ask for His help, His love, His generosity. And then Believe.
He only has your best interest at heart. He is a good and loving Father. Kind and gentle and easily entreated. Look for Him within. You'll be surprised at what He can do for YOU!
Until next time, may God richly bless you and grant you every good gift,
In Christ, Bonnie
That's right. Let it go. Keeping hatred in your heart is poison. Be joyful always in good and bad because this is my will for you. Beautiful website by the way. You and dad sure know what you are doing.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the compliment honey! I think God brought you out here to help me! Not only for your edification, but to bring about a change in my heart that will benefit the whole family. I feel so full of peace and love and I don't have negativity in my life now. I am truly set free and only Jesus could do this. Alex, God has something in store for you that is very special. You have such a loving and sincere spirit and you deserve all the goodness God can possibly give you. He loves you so much and He has shown me His love for me by letting you come and visit us. There's so much goodness in store for you. If you go to Jesus and ask Him to help you deal better with your own situation, and release the anguish you feel over not being able to move to San Diego at the present time, He can still work in your life to give you peace of mind over it and maybe eventually, in time, the situation will change because you have given your complete will and desire to God. Let God be first in your life as He says, and He will give you the desires of your heart! He did it for me, you are no different. I know what I know because Jesus came into my life so early. and I am doing all I know how to do to witness to the reading public that God is real and that He is willing to help us. He loves us. He has all the answers. All we have to do is BELEIVE! I love you so much and I am glad you read my new blog. Glad you liked the picture. I will try to post everyday. Let me know what you think as time goes by. If you even have something negative to say, say it. I am open to anything. I'll say goodnight for now and I hope you get something enriching and comforting here. That's what I am doing it for!
ReplyDeleteLove U, Mom