Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Job 11:16-17  You would forget your trouble, as waters that have passed by, you would remember it.  Your life would be brighter than noonday, darkness would be like the morning!

We all have troubles, some small, some huge.  But there is no trouble too big for God to handle.  I have had trouble of many kinds, but the Lord God Almighty has lifted my burdens and I am happy and have utter peace.  There are some problems that are not visible to doctors and psychiatrists.  Even priests don't have all the answers.  But God sees the inside of man and if we trust Him, He leads us to the green pastures and let's us rest by the still waters.  We don't have to live with troubles.  We can let go and let God.  It is a choice we make. 

Some troubles, as financial, can be rectified with setting up a budget and following it faithfully.  But there are troubles with the soul and heart of man that can only be solved by our trust and faith in a loving God.  I have buryied both parents and have been separated from both brother and sister.  These events were not of my choosing.  And the pain was deep, and relentless.  But somehow, someway, I stayed connected to God.  I believe He has His hands on us once we have given Him our hearts, as I did at 12 years of age, and He will never let go!  We let go of Him, but in His faithfulness, He never lets go of us!  What a wonderful God we have that is touched by the pain of a human heart.  He said that He would not give us more than we could carry.  "For my yoke is easy, and my burdens light."

God has said that we must "...come boldly to the throne of Grace!"  He urges us to seek wisdom, and to study to show ourselves approved, a workman worthy of his hire.  If we draw close to Him, He will draw close to us.  If we come and leave our burdens as we kneel inwardly in prayer, He is faithful and just to answer us.  Faith in Him, moves mountains!  Not faith in ourselves, for without God we are weak and fall prey to many things that otherewise would not interest us.  

The day I accepted Jesus as my Savior, I was in church with my Grandma, and the pastor asked if anyone there needed a friend.  I did.  My heart was pounding, my hands were shaking, and I all but ran down the aisle to where the pastor was waiting for all who would come.  No one else did.  Just me.  I could have no more stayed in the pews than snow not melting in the summer sun.  And He has never left me.  There were times in my life where I thought I had left Him.  They were empty years, but I grew none-the-less.  Then, I met someone who shook me out of my lethargy and gave me the love and compassion I so sorely needed.  He is my husband.  He has strength, values, a good heart, and faithfulness.  He was a gift and still is, from the hands of God himself.  I value this person and all his attributes, and I owe him so much.  He has changed my life and given me more than I ever could have dreamed of.  Not loving him would be impossible.  Something I cannot even comprehend.  I feel like I have loved him all my life, and I would pray that women everywhere would be as fortunate.  I respect him, and he respects me and we have a love for one another that will last through all our lives.  This kind of love is similar to the kind of love God has for us.  He loves us without question and He will take your burdens.  All you have to do is ask Him. 

Have troubles?  Give them away....give them to God, and your troubles will become as "...waters that have passed away."  Besides the love God has for me, I have become more aware of his presence since I married my husband.  He is not a Christian.  He is a Taoist.  But he has never once judged me, and has taught me many things.  The Tao revealed itself to me, and to me it is the spirit of God.  It is in every leaf of every tree, the birds of the air, the beautiful landscape all around me, and in every man, woman and child.  The spirit that revealed itself aeons ago to people who lived in another time, another part of the world, to me is the same spirit as the spirit of God.  It is higher, deeper, wider than we could ever imagine.  It is greater than all things, the mother of 10,000 things.  I am most fortunate.  I have been lifted out of many harsh circumstances, and my life is my own.  I am at peace, and my harsh eperiences in life are "...as waters that have passed away." 

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