Monday, February 20, 2012

The Content of the Heart

A man speaks from the contents of his heart.  You can't get good fruit from a bad or sick tree anymore than you can get bad fruit from a good tree.  You can tell what a person is in their heart by what they talk about and the manner of speech they use.  A lot of people curse for past time.  They can't utter a word without cursing and displaying the evil in their hearts. 

What's in your heart?  Do you take the name of God in vain in every sentence out of your mouth?  People get so caught up in cursing they become accustomed to it and see no wrong in it.  The Bible says "Ye shall not take the Name of the Lord your God in Vain!  Does every little thing bother you?  Do you scream at inanimate objects and throw things and pound on things?  Where is your peace?  God is not the author of cursing and screaming and pounding on things, He is the God of peace and order and harmony.  If your home isn't harmonious, don't look at others.  First look at yourself and what you hold to be important.

My own Mother and Father cursed all the time and had screaming matches and threw things at each other, and threatened to leave us all.  Do you have any idea what that kind of behavior does to children?  I took it until I was 17 and then I began praying to die.  I'd lay in my bed at night, hear them fighting, and I'd cry and beg God to take my spirit because I couldn't take any more pain.  Is that the life you want for your child?  Then if it isn't, don't you think it's time for a change?  I'm not saying that all of you who read this are terrible people.  You may read it and think I am being judgemental.   I am only repeating what I have read in the Bible.  I didn't write it, I just read it.  My parent's started out OK.  They went to church, paid tithes, sang and played the piano for the church.  But eventually they stopped going and started screaming at each other and our family just deteriorated.  Soon all we heard were curse words and our own Dad would scream at us and tell us to get away from him because he was too busy for us.  He slapped me in the face once and I never forgot it.  He said he didn't forget it either and was sorry he did it, but he did it just the same.

It's not going to church that changes you.  It's a change of heart, that only God can do.  He will change your heart if you ask Him and He will come in and dwell with you and give you a calm and nurturing spirit.  People need nurturing you know.  A lot of people had tough lives as children and the scars they have go deep.  They may never get past a lot of it, or have it be easier to bear and these people act out their aggressions in everyday life.  If you are with someone who had a bitter childhood, you know what it's like.  You must nurture these people and take care of their hearts.  You don't add to the pain by being hateful yourself and losing your temper, or worse yet, leave.  You take a vow before God to love, honor, and trust the people you marry.  You give them what they need and you go to the source to feed your own soul.  You can't nurture and help those you love with an empty heart and a bitter spirit.  People are fragile.  They are created in the image of God.  Tender, gentle caring and love heal these people and the day will dawn when your problems seem to be easier to bear.  Because as you nurture the people around you and help them to come from a place of love instead of heartbreak, your own life will become better and you will see in yourself the image of the Lord.  Your countenance will shine with His presence and people will know you love the Lord.  You don't have to broadcast it to the world that you Love God to draw attention to yourself.  When you love Jesus, the last thing you want to do is clang your cymbals and announce that you are here and will fix the situation.  Just go about quietly doing good deeds without the praise of mankind, and the Lord who sees in secret, will reward you openly. 

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