Saturday, February 4, 2012

In the World You Will Have Tribulation....But I Have Overcome the World!

Jesus tells us to be of good cheer, for He has overcome the world.  And when we accept Christ into our lives and hearts, we too can overcome the world!  For He also said, "The things that I do, ye shall do also, and greater things shall you do for I will return to the Father."  Jesus died, yes, but let's not forget that He rose again!  And that He is alive forevermore!  We think we can fool God, we think we can go to church on Sunday and curse our brother on Monday and God will never be the wiser.  But He is God, and He knows the intent of every heart!  We may fool ourselves into thinking that as long as we give our 10% to the church, we have done what was required of us. 
"Oh Ye of little faith!  Why do you doubt!"  Are we all doubting Thomases?  We won't believe until we feel the wound in His side and feel the nail prints in His hands?

Jesus came to us as a lamb, but before He left this earth, He became God Incarnate and His Holy blood fell for all of us on the barren soil of Golgotha.  Even the men who drove the nails into His Holy hands and feet, fell back from the cross when Jesus died and one of them said, "Truly this man was the Son of God!"  Because the sky darkened and the earthquake struck as Jesus uttered His last words..."  It is finished".  But that was the beginning of the story!  He finished His task, and He challenges all of us to live by His Holy Word and do the things He did.  We are called to be ambassador's for Christ.  We are called to access our higher power and we all have the ability to do great things for the people of the world.  We are called...but few answer. 

Many people paint Christ as this meek man in a robe, dispensing platitudes to keep us satisfied that what we are doing is the best we can do and all that is expected of us.  Not so.  Jesus has challenged us to keep the faith until we leave this earth!  A lifetime of service.  Such as Mother Teressa.  We are called to serve, not be served.  The servant is not greater than his master.  Jesus came to serve, but He also taught, fed, nurtured, and then He got angry!  Angry that His Fathers House had been turned into a den of theives!  And He took a whip and drove out the moneylenders and those who disgraced and brought low the House of God.  We too will answer for our sins.  We will not go unpunished.  We carry around guilt everyday.  We hate people in our lives, every day.  We justify our anger to ourselves, and we sit in darkness because we refuse to see the light! 

But if one man can ignite a flame,  all in the house will see the light!  One man of faith can overcome the sin that so easily besets us.  The prayers of a righteous man availeth much!  Noah lived a righteous life, and he and his whole household were spared.  Do you want to be spared?  Do you want to be righteous and God fearing and God pleasing?  Are you willing to let go of your worldly goods and live a life of service to others?  Are you chosen?  Do you hear His call on your heart?  If you stiffen your neck and refuse to accept the call of almighty God, you will be cut off and that without remedy! 

I too was walking in darkness.  I too let the hatred in my heart fester and it poisoned all my thoughts and it darkened my world.  I began this post to help others, and have been reminded that I too was called.  I too was chosen.  I accept the challenge, and even if no one ever says one word to me here, I will not deny my Father and I will talk about His amazing grace in my own life.  He has restored me, because I saw the error of my ways and released the tight grip I had on my own anger and my own feelings of betrayal.  All I had to do was let it go, and ask for forgiveness, and the light went on in my heart and my stiff neck was eased and I can truly rejoice for all the Lord has given me, and His longsuffering for all my anger and hatred for those who have done me wrong in life.  I am here to serve.  I am here to tell you He is real!  He is not away in the clouds where I can't access Him.  He lives in my heart and mind and soul and spirit and He gives me the words he wants me to say.  By the Holy Spirit I am taught and led...  I am a servant, just like my Father.  And now I walk with liberated steps, the heavy weights I was carrying have been removed, and I am at peace and full of energy to serve and to live a life that is pleasing unto God.  If you want to be free, come with open heart and hands to Jesus, and He will accept you and set you free.  He will ignite that fire within you and you will live as you have never before lived!  He died to set us free...but that is the beginning! 

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