Thursday, March 22, 2012

Amazing Grace

The title of this post is Amazing Grace, because His Grace is all we need and indeed all we have, to sustain us in this life, and ensure that we have a home in paradise when we pass from this life into eternity.  "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost, but now I'm found, was blind, but now I see!"  The Bible tells us that our righteousness is as filthy rags compared to what God has in store for us.  His own righteousness fills us when we are born again by the spirit of God.  He give us a heart of flesh that can be touched by the sorrow of the world, and the heartbreak of those less fortunate than we ourselves.

If you have children, you love them and would be devastated if anything should happen to them.  If you had one son, and he was near and dear to your heart, would you let him sacrifice his life to help some other child?  What if your child had perfect health and someone you know has a child that is ailing and may die without help from your child, say a kidney, or a lung, would you risk it?  I doubt it.  So can you imagine how God felt, to give his only son for people who have gone astray and lived their life in sin?  He had to look away when His Son was dying, and Jesus had to have the thought in his mind, I thought you loved me, where are you now when I need you?  His exact words were, "My god, my god, why hast thou forsaken me?"  That's how we feel sometimes when the battle here on earth get's to be more than we think we can cope with.  Where is God when we need Him?  He's here.  In your heart, in your life.  He never promised us a rose garden, but he comforts us in our sorrow and rejoices with us in our gladness.  I just think that sometimes we don't love enough.  We sometimes don't love ourselves either, and our destructive urges take over and we turn to alcohol or drugs.  We live a life of shame and can't even see that we are on the wrong road.  But even then, God's Amazing Grace is available to us.  His Grace washes us clean and our crimson stains will be turned to a dazzling white as His Grace is applied to our hearts.  In this world, we need Him in the worst way.  And He is aware of what we need even before we ask. 

Today is the day of salvation.  If you need help in any way, call on the one who made you.  He knows exactly how to deal with your problems because he gave you the mind you have and the soul you have.  He knows you need Him and He is available to you and to me today.  I received Christ as my Savior at the tender age of 12, and I was not acquainted with the ways of the world and the meaning of Sin.  I only knew I needed a friend, and He was willing to be the best friend I could ever ask for. 

I don't mean to come across as judgemental.  I don't mean to say I've never sinned because I have.  Yes, even after He saved my soul I still did things I am sure did not meet with His approval.  Yet His Grace has washed me clean and He has walked with me every step of the way I've traveled.  In Sickness, in health, He has been there for me and I just want to share the news that He loves you too.  Whoever you are out there in the night hours that reads this blog, know that I am only one candle in a dark world.  I know the truth and the truth has set me free.  Free to live a good life and to have a relationship with the one who made me.  I sleep like a baby at night because I know I am in His Tender embrace and that He will be there as soon as I open my eyes to walk my pathway with me and that gives me peace and rest.  If you can't sleep, if your mind is churning, turn to Him and ask Him for his Amazing Grace.  It's all you need to get you through the portals of Heaven.  It's all you need to live a wonderful life right here on earth and to have your future assured in paradise with those you love and the loving God who made you.  Your burdens are shared by one who can do something to lift the load you are bearing.  It's never too late.  "Those who are first will be last, and those who are last will be first."  It doesn't matter WHEN you come to Him, but that you just come to Him.  He will accept you as you are, today, in the quietness of your own heart.  Open the door of your heart and let Him in.  He gave His all for you.  It's a gift.  Accept it today and let Him bathe your soul in His Amazing Grace.


  1. What you have said is trully beautiful. Sometimes it is hard to keep your mind clear as to the truth. I have had personally many different faiths come to me and tell me that you can not have frogiveness just by asking. You have to go to church and give you money to God and never sin and change who you are as a person or you will go to hell. God has already died for my sins. All I have to do is accept it. There is no human that is sin free. Not even the Pope. People must realize this and accept what they cannot see as real or surrender to the idea that there is no God and no after life and that the whole idea is the human mind wanting to preserve itself. I for one believe that God is real. I believe that he has already died for my sins, and even though i may sin still, I know that when I die he will take away my inability to stop sinning.

  2. First, I am glad to see you here. It is heartening to see a comment once in a while. God is Love. When you look at your child, you feel love. That is how God sees us, one and all. "For God so loved...". He loved us then, He loves us still. He knows we are weak, and yes we are sinful by nature, but God provided a way for us to pass from this life to the next without tasting death. Only your body turns to ash. You, who you are, pass through the portals of Heaven and see Jesus in all His glory. He didn't die so we could all die too and lay in the ground and rot. He overcame death! That is the last hurdle we have to cross, and He stands ready at the Gates of Paradise, to welcome us home. I believe with all my heart that He is my best friend and would never steer me wrong. "Oh death where is thy sting, Oh grave where is thy victory?" That makes it as plain as the nose on our face. Death was overcome in victory! Jesus rose on the third day just like He said He would and He broke the chains of death that day and has set us free! I try not to sin, I talk to Jesus first every day, or try to, and I try to talk with Him just before I go to sleep. He gives me peace and rest and you are 100% correct. He will clothe us with His own righteousness, but you don't have to wait till you die! God is available to us now. Here in this life time and He will gladly clothe us with his Grace and Righteousness. He is the only one who can keep us from sinning. "My Grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness!" Thank you for your words of encouragement and your knowledge that God will welcome you into paradise is wonderful to hear. He loves you and will help you this very day if you just ask and believe. It's hard to keep posting everyday, although I always have a lot to say on this subject. I have posted more on this sight than any other and I know God want's me to do this. The enemy tryies to get between me and this site because I think he knows it will help people. I love you and I'll talk with you later.

    Love You, Mom
