Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Letter from God

This post is partly from a work by Diane Noble, titled Letters from God for Women, but it can be interpreted to include everyone, not just women.  I will say a few words after I make this post, and I hope it is inspiring for you.  It inspired me last night to use this as my next post because I think we all need a little tenderness from our Father:


I watch your hours fill to overflowing with the busy details of your life.  I see your concern for your family and friends.  So many depend on you, dear one, making your responsibilities seem overwhelming and at times, your weariness soul-deep.

Did you know that I created you to draw strength from My presence?  Did you know that I delight in your knowledge of Me?  I long to refresh you; I long to open My heart to you.

So come to Me.  Learn of Me.  You will find rest for your soul, My children, and peace beyond understanding.  Come to the still waters of My presence and draw joyously from the wellspring of My riches.''

Waiting for You,
Your Heavenly Father

Matther 11:28-30 The Message

"Come to Me.  Get away with me and you'll recover your life.  I'll show you how to take a real rest.  Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it.  Learn the unforced rhythms of Grace.  I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.  Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly!"

I take these words as directly from Jesus, telling me of His tender mercies and His longing to help us and to lift the load from us.  He is the ever flowing water of life.  He is always aware, always awake, living an eternal existence with God and He is offering to take the load from our shoulders and help us to solve our problems.  He is aware every minute of the day that we need help and are growing weary.   He gives us everything we need, when we put Him first.  He wants to bless us, to bless you with all good things.  Your material needs and the money you need for your living expenses will be fulfilled when you put Christ first in your life.  That doesn't mean you have to rush off to church and get on your knees and pray and then put money in the coffer for God and show off for the world that you are pious.  Jesus tells us to enter into our closets and pray in secret and the God who made you will reward you openly.  He prepares a table for us in the presence of our enemies, He annoints us with the oil of the Holy Spirit who helps us on our journey.  God has all the Universe in His power.  He sustains us.  He keeps the heavenly bodies in place and you are made of stardust.  Isn't He an amazing God?  He created the world perfectly for our use.  We have oxygen to breathe, all sorts of foods to eat, the good earth to plant our crops in and gardens, but the garden He is interested in most is the garden of your heart.  He knows those who have come to Him.  They are His sheep.  He loves them all, no matter what their faith.  He loves the Catholics, The Presbyterians, The Mormons, The Lutherans, The Episcopalians, The Buddhists, The Zen Masters, the Taoist....all of us.

I imagine God sometimes, as this huge brain that directs all the workings of the Universe.  He is all intelligence.  He gives us our intelligence and our wisdom to run the world as necessary.  What happened?  Why is the world in such chaos?  It's because we have all gone our separate ways and don't work together to achieve world peace and to feed the hungry and clothe the naked and teach the illiterate.  He would do all those things, and yet remain humble. 

We sit up on our fancy chairs with out little caps on our heads and a huge gold cross on a heavy chain around our necks.....does that bring to mind a picture of Jesus?  Not for me.  I know Him as the humble shepherd who has sheep in every nation that hear His voice.  Maybe you are in a country where Jesus is not taught, nor accepted, but you have given your heart to Him because someone told you about Him.  You have Him in your soul.  You don't need to run to church.  God will meet you on your knees wherever you are!  He will meet you standing, laying down, just when you least expect it.  He is aware of all you do and see's the content of your heart.

If you accept Christ, both Christ and His Holy Father will come into your life and help you with everything that is a part of your life.  He promised to never leave us nor forsake us.  Come to the waters of life and drink your fill.  You'll never be sorry that you decided you too needed a good friend.  Someone outside of your circumstance that can see better than you what you need because He has a higher view point.

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, stop for a moment and consider that your Heavenly Father is right beside you....better yet, He's within you.  He is your thoughts, your love, your understanding, your intelligence, your body your brain.....all created by Him.  Who better to help you?  I'm 65, and He has been my best friend since I was 12.  I could not have made it this far without Him.  I had a heart attack at 43, and a part of my heart died.  But here I am 22 years later, have never had another heart attack, and the clogged arteries of my heart have been cleared with medication and faith and life-style changes.   He has met me everyday to walk with me and talk with me and advise me on what to do in each difficult circumstance.  He is a personal God and I love my Lord and my God.  He's there for you too.  All you have to do is go wihin your soul and pray to the Father.  He will hear you, and I guarantee He will answer you in a way you never expected!  "God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform!"  Let Him do a wonder in your life and know that your Father is tender and forgiving and He wants to be your best friend too!

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