Friday, March 16, 2012

The Laws of Nature and of Spirituality - Giving & Receiving

There are laws in nature that we cannot control.  We can only observe.  There are also spiritual laws that most religions are based on.  The Bible tells us that what we sew, we will reap.  Karma.  If you go through your life only taking from others, you will have a meager life.  Yes, you will have what you take from others, but you will feel empty inside and like nothing quite satisfies you.  In everyday life, if you give little, you receive little.  It doesn't take long to leave a comment for other's when you read their blog.  Even if it is not the most profound statement you've ever read, at least respect the person for taking time from their lives to share something good and wonderful with others.  It's rude to come, read, and absorb the good things people are trying to present, and never say a word.  Not even a negative comment.  I have thought about giving this up because no one but one or 2 people ever say a word to me.  But I am not doing this to receive kudos or praise from anyone.  I do it because it makes me feel good about who I am and what I am trying to accomplish.  If you don't feel moved to make a comment, well, perhaps I haven't done a very good job.  Maybe you aren't interested in Jesus.  Maybe you are of a different faith.  That too is alright.  All religions have good things to offer.  I am a seeker for truth.  Not just a believer.  My husband is a Taoist, and I found the Tao through my relationship with him.  He is one of the best people I know.  I am very blessed to have met him and share my life with him over the last 36 years.  I gave my whole life.  I took care of my Dad's family, bought food, paid bills, and took care of a sick Mom and a brother on drugs and a little sister who was in Junior High.  I was sick as well, and had my own doctor to pay and my perscriptions to get filled.  None of it was easy.  It was hard.  I sewed good seed, and now it is coming back to me.

I am sorry if my post doesn't interest you.  I need to diversify a bit perhaps.  Or bring in my own stories now and then.  My husband has gotten frustrated as well, because he puts up post after post and no one hardly notices.  It's just rude.

I am still contemplating whether I want to continue doing this or not.  I have 7 grandchildren to be involved with, and a family to take care of.  I can find plenty to do.  I just thought sharing something good would be rewarding and I'd get to talk to people of like mind.  But now I see that isn't so.  Perhaps people just don't have time.  Whatever the reason, I may or may not post any more.  It seems to be fruitless.  Time will tell.


  1. I'm sure this is odd, to comment on my own post but I just want to welcome the visitor from Mombasa who took the time to read my post. Unfortunately it isn't one of my best because I was very irritated that no one ever says anything. Welcome Mombasa. I hope you read something that will bring you back and perhaps you too have something to say.
    Regards, The Author

  2. I know that no comments on here can discourage you. You must walk in your own words and continue to give. This is your way of giving. God gave selflessly and I am sure that there were those who shoved his hand away. God didn't get mad at them, he loved them just the same. Do this because its right, its what God would want you to do. Don't do it because you want comments. Religion is a very touchy subject. Many wars have been fought over religion. I would think that most people are affraid to voice their opinion about religion for fear of being ridiculed. You are one of the few who are not intimidated. I would not look at how many people are leaving messages but how many people are visiting you site. You must assume that if they visited your site that they read a post. If they read a post, maybe something that you put on here will have a profound impact on their lives. You may not ever know if you did but do it with the assumtion that you are maybe helping someone through a ruff patch in their lives. God said to go and spread the good news and that is what you are doing here. I think you should continue weather or not you get comments. Trust me, you may not want some comments on here. That is not a bash on you but it has been my experience that if someone does not share your views of christianity, they will let you know it and it may not be in a very nice manner. I love you Mom and I hope that I have incouraged you to continue.
