Monday, March 19, 2012

Come Unto Me All Ye Who Labor & Are Heavy Laden...I Will Give You Rest

Are you tired of the grind of daily life and wish you could escape for a while?  Just take a trip or go to a happy place in your life, a time when all went well and you just lived every day like it was your last?  There is a place of perfect peace and rest available to you today.  Safe in the arms of the One who made you.  In the travels of Jesus, He drew many people who wanted to hear him speak.  He took into account that they most likely were hungry, so He fed them.  He didn't preach to hungry people to go and be filled and then come back and hear him speak.  He fed them.  He healed them and then He told them about Himself and the Kingdom of Heaven.  He told them that the Kingdom of Heaven is within them.  It's in you and in me.  If you go within do you find only turmoil and troubles?  Then let me introduce you to the One who made you and tell you He still cares about you today as he did in ages past.  He sees your troubles and He worries over you when you are in the middle of problems with no answers in sight.  He has the answers.  He may be the only one who does. 

I use to work for the Internal Revenue Service, and one evening as I was waiting for my husband to pick me up from work, I was watching the crowds come out of the buildings and frantically rush to their next destination.  They were frowning and looking at their watches and in such a hurry.  I was humming a tune to myself, but I was thinking that they were so lost and searching, but not realizing what they were searching for.  An elderly man with snow white hair and rosy cheeks stopped where I was standing and smiled at me and said, "They never think about God, do they?"  I was stunned for a moment but nodded my head in agreement.  They never gave Him a second thought when He wanted so much to comfort them and draw them close to Himself.  He waits for us to want to know Him.  He's not an ogre and out for revenge for what we did all those aeons ago.  He's a kind and benevolent father, that want's to help us with our trials and problems.  He has the answers, He's just waiting for you to ask Him to help you.  He will.

I was lucky as a child.  My parents went to church and my Mom played the piano and she and my Dad would sing.  We all went as a family and I really liked the singing, even as a little child.  For some reason, over the years they lost their footing and stopped going to church.  The arguments over money began when we moved to the city and having our Mom's Mom living with us stirred up conflicts between all 3 adults.  But I was very attentive in church and Sunday school and I retained more than anyone thought.  At 4 years of age, I prayed one day for God to heal my eyes so I could see like everyone else.  I was extremely near-sighted and needed glasses, but no one knew.  A few years ago, I developed cataracts and found reading and seeing very difficult.  I saw my optometrist and he told me I'd need surgery to replace the lenses in both eyes.  I now see almost 20/20.  I only need a slight correction now.  God answered my prayers in 4th grade when they had my eyes checked and realized I couldn't see well.  He answered it again when I thought I was going blind.  I didn't have $2,500.00 for each eye, but with the insurance I have had for years, I didn't pay anything.  The surgery was done in 2 steps.  First the left eye, and 6 weeks later the right eye.  To me it was a miracle.  I can't believe my good fortune, to have such a loving and tender Heavenly Father.

I've had many problems with my health since I was about 17 years of age and I've kept my relationship with God open and honest for as long as I can remember.  I'm not just quoting things from the Bible to be saying something profound.  I have a daily walk with Jesus and I want to share the news that He is as real today as in the past, and He still does miracles.  He uses the skills of his children to help us and He needs our hands and feet and a dedicated heart and mind.  He can do miracles without us, as He did in days of old.  But if you want a real purpose to pursue in your life, take time to cultivate a relationship with the One who made you.  He says, come to the water and drink your fill without money.  It's free.  The water of life is Jesus and it's free.  He never passed around a collection plate, he never asked for money.  He told those who tried to trick Him, to give to Ceasar what belonged to Ceasar
and to God what belonged to God.  God gave us a soul.  We need to fill it with good things if we want to have a successful life. 

Give your life to the One who made you.  He's the only one that can fill that vacant spot in your soul reserved for Him.  He stands at the door and knocks....  Answer Him, and He will come in and stay with you for the rest of your days.  He has a place reserved for you in Heaven.  Look within and find it.  It's real, and it is yours, today, if you ask.

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